What are students saying about the delivery of teaching?

Students have varying opinions on teaching delivery. Some find lectures engaging and enjoyable, particularly when topics are well-taught, and lecturers are enthusiastic. They also appreciate the use of real-life examples, such as cadavers, for anatomy learning. However, many students feel lectures can be too long and dull, with some lecturers simply reading from slides without providing adequate explanation or discussion.

There is a strong desire for more interactive and participatory teaching methods, including seminars and tutorials, essential for deeper understanding and engagement with course material. Students value the opportunity to ask questions, discuss topics, and receive feedback from lecturers and peers. However, some students have experienced poorly led tutorials, where discussions are unproductive, or lecturers seem unprepared.

Students also appreciate opportunities to learn from experts in their field, such as consultants in teaching hospitals, who can provide valuable insights and practical experience. Technology, including online lectures and resources, is a useful supplement to traditional teaching methods, but some students feel that it can be overused or relied upon too heavily.

Overall, students seek a more dynamic and interactive learning environment where they can actively engage with course material, lecturers, and peers. They value flexibility and autonomy in their learning but also require support and guidance from lecturers to help them navigate complex topics and achieve their academic goals.

Subject specific insights on "delivery of teaching"

delivery of teaching + (CAH02-06-06) complementary and alternative medicine

Student perspectives on cam teaching delivery

Insights into student views on CAM programs in UK universities.