What are students saying about how they are assessed?

Students express frustration with assessment methods, feeling that they do not accurately reflect their learning. Many feel overwhelmed by the volume of assessments, citing too many exams and coursework assignments in a short period. This leads to significant stress and impacts their ability to perform well.

Assessment methods are perceived to lack transparency, with some students feeling misled about exam formats or unsure of what is expected. Feedback on assignments is often inadequate, with generic comments that do not provide actionable guidance for improvement.

The quality of assessments is also questioned, with some exams containing errors or ambiguities that can affect the entire cohort's experience. Traditional assessment methods, such as memory-based tests and timed essays, are seen as outdated and do not reflect real-world skills.

Students feel that assignments are sometimes used to assess their ability to complete tasks rather than encourage deeper learning. The marking process is also inconsistent, with grades varying depending on the marker rather than the quality of work submitted.

Overall, students desire more variety in assessment methods, greater transparency, and more constructive feedback to help them improve. They want assessments that accurately reflect their learning and fairly represent their abilities.

Subject specific insights on "assessment methods"