What are the views of biomedical science students?

Students generally feel that their biomedical sciences course is well-structured, with a good range of modules, allowing them to develop various skills and interests. However, some students express frustration with the timing of assessments, feeling too concentrated in certain periods, leading to high stress levels.

There is a strong sense of appreciation for the support provided by academic staff, particularly in the final year dissertation, where students feel well-supported and guided through the process. Additionally, students value the feedback received from lecturers, which they find helpful and constructive.

Some students comment on the lack of study space, making working individually or in groups difficult. Furthermore, there is a perception that the course does not provide sufficient training in specific skills, such as scientific writing and lab report preparation.

Students appreciate the expertise of lecturers who are active researchers in their field, bringing real-world experience and relevance to the teaching. However, some students feel that guest lectures by researchers can be poorly delivered and less engaging than those given by university staff.

The course's flexibility is a strength, allowing students to explore different areas of interest and keep their options open. However, this also concerns certain modules' lack of direction and guidance.

There are some issues with accessibility and support for students with disabilities or mental health needs, with some feeling that their needs are not being met. However, students feel their biomedical sciences course provides a solid foundation for future careers and further study.

Insights into specific areas of biomedical sciences education