What are students saying about learning resources?

Students generally appreciate the wide range of learning resources, including online materials, library facilities, and software. Many comment on the high quality of these resources, which they find helpful in supporting their studies. Some students particularly value these resources' flexibility, allowing them to work independently and at their own pace.

However, some students express frustration with the variability in resource quality across different modules or subjects. They may find that some resources are outdated, incomplete, or poorly organised, making it difficult to access the necessary information. In some cases, students feel they are not provided with sufficient guidance on using these resources effectively.

Additionally, some students experience technical issues with online resources, such as crashes, poor connectivity, or difficulties accessing external links. These problems can be particularly challenging for students who rely heavily on digital materials for their studies.

Despite these challenges, many students appreciate the efforts made by their lecturers and tutors to provide them with engaging and relevant learning materials. They value the opportunity to access expert knowledge and critical analysis, which they see as essential in helping them develop their critical thinking skills.

Overall, students' perceptions of learning resources are mixed, reflecting positive and negative experiences. While many appreciate the quality and flexibility of these resources, others face challenges in accessing or utilising them effectively.

Subject specific insights on "learning resources"