What are students saying about how their views are taken on board?

Students generally feel that their voices are not being heard, valued or acted upon by staff members in higher education institutions. Many students express frustration that despite being asked for feedback, it is often dismissed, ignored or not taken seriously, leaving them feeling disheartened and unclear about whether their concerns are being addressed. Some students report that they are met with defensiveness rather than a willingness to listen and make changes when they raise issues.

There is a widespread perception that staff members do not take student feedback on board, with many students stating that they feel their opinions and suggestions are not being considered or acted upon. This has led to disillusionment and disenchantment among some students, who believe their voices are not being considered in the decision-making process.

Some students also express concerns about staff members' lack of transparency and communication regarding how feedback is being used and what changes are being made as a result. Many students feel that they are not being informed about the outcomes of their feedback, which can lead to mistrust and disengagement.

Overall, there appears to be a significant disconnect between students' expectations for having their voices heard and valued and the reality of how their feedback is received and acted upon by staff members in higher education institutions.

Subject specific insights on "student voice"