What are students saying about the clarity of marking criteria?

Students are often frustrated with the marking criteria, which they perceive as subjective, inconsistent, and frequently unclear. They believe that grades can be arbitrary, with similar work receiving vastly different marks depending on the marker. Many students find it challenging to understand what is required to achieve a good grade, citing a lack of clear guidance and feedback. This frustration highlights the need for more objective assessment practices.

There is a sense of injustice when students feel they have worked hard but receive lower grades due to perceived inconsistencies in marking. Using vague terms such as "excellent quality submission" or "poor quality work with little detail" without specific examples or explanations is seen as unhelpful.

Students value clear and detailed feedback that offers actionable advice, empowering them to enhance their work. However, they often find themselves receiving insufficient or delayed feedback, which hampers their ability to assess their performance and make necessary adjustments. This underscores the importance of providing comprehensive feedback in the assessment process.

Students are significantly concerned about the lack of standardisation in marking across different modules and tutors, which they feel can lead to unfair treatment. They advocate for more transparency and consistency in marking criteria and better communication about marking practices and any changes that may affect their assessments.

Overall, students seek a fairer and more transparent marking system, with clear guidelines and timely feedback that allows them to understand how to improve their work and achieve their full potential.

Subject specific insights on "marking criteria"