What are the views of sports science students?

Students generally express a positive view of their sports and exercise sciences course, with many finding it enjoyable and well-rounded. They appreciate the hands-on approach, practical sessions, and opportunities to explore different areas of learning. The teaching staff are often described as friendly, engaging, and supportive, with some students forming close relationships with their lecturers.

However, there are concerns about the accessibility and affordability of sports facilities, with many students feeling overpriced and inaccessible to those who cannot afford them. Some students express frustration at the lack of support for student athletes not participating in the performance programme.

Regarding course-specific issues, some students struggle with the timing and structure of assignments, which can be too close together or poorly communicated. There are also concerns about using online lessons, which some students feel is an easy way for lecturers to avoid in-person learning.

Furthermore, students often express disappointment at lecturers' lack of clear communication, particularly regarding assessment criteria and feedback. Some students feel that their marks do not reflect their hard work and that they do not receive sufficient support or guidance throughout the course.

Overall, while students generally enjoy their course and appreciate the teaching staff, there are concerns about accessibility, affordability, and communication that need to be addressed to improve the overall student experience.

Insights into specific areas of sport and exercise sciences education