What are the views of mechanical engineering students?

Students generally express mixed emotions about their experience studying mechanical engineering. Some appreciate the opportunities for hands-on learning and networking, while others feel overwhelmed by the workload and frustrated with the assessment process.

Many students praise the resources available to them, including well-funded facilities and supportive staff with industry experience. However, they also highlight issues with course management, particularly during the pandemic, which has led to disruption and a lack of access to essential facilities.

Some students feel that the teaching is not always engaging, with some lecturers relying too heavily on slides and not providing enough interactive opportunities. Others appreciate the passion and enthusiasm of certain lecturers, which makes the subject more enjoyable.

There are concerns about the assessment process, including a perception that marking is unfair and that grades do not always reflect their work. Some students also feel that feedback is not always clear or timely, making it difficult to understand where they have gone wrong.

Regarding specific course issues, some students feel that certain modules are too focused on theoretical calculations and do not provide enough practical application. Others would like more opportunities for hands-on experience and project-based learning.

Overall, students value the opportunity to study mechanical engineering, but there are areas where they feel improvements could be made to enhance their learning experience.

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