What are the views of finance students?

Students studying finance courses generally express mixed feelings about their learning experience. On the one hand, many appreciate the course content, finding it engaging and relevant to the professional world. Some also value the opportunities for group work and collaboration with peers, which they believe helps prepare them for the workplace.

On the other hand, several students express frustration with various aspects of the course delivery. A common concern is the lack of clear communication from lecturers, including inadequate assignment feedback and inconsistent marking criteria. This can lead to confusion and anxiety among students, particularly regarding exams.

Some students also feel that the coursework load is too heavy, leaving them insufficient time to focus on individual modules or seek help when needed. The rigidity of the course structure and lack of flexibility in choosing elective modules are additional points of contention for some.

Several students mention problems with exam scheduling in finance courses, including clashes between exams and inadequate notice for rescheduled exams. There are also concerns about the quality of online learning materials and the effectiveness of remote teaching methods, particularly for international students or those who need to balance work and study commitments.

Despite these challenges, many students appreciate the support offered by lecturers and course administrators, citing helpful tutorials, workshops, and one-on-one guidance as positive aspects of their learning experience.

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