Understanding classics students: a deep dive into their support system

By Student Voice
student support classics

Academic Support in Classics

When addressing the academic support available to Classics students, it's integral to recognise the role of academic staff in guiding these learners through their scholarly process. Starting university, especially in an area as rich and varied as Classics, can be an exciting yet daunting process for many. Staff members play an important role in making this transition as smooth as possible. From providing detailed feedback on essays to offering insights into the complexities of dissertation writing, the support offered is varied and tailored to meet the diverse needs of students. Understanding the marking criteria and how to approach assignments can significantly change a student's academic outcome. This is where learning support strategies and essay writing guidance come into play, acting as key tools in a student's academic arsenal. Furthermore, dissertation support takes on an important function, especially in the final years of study when students look into their chosen subjects in depth. These elements combined ensure that students are not just navigating their academic process with a map and a compass, but with a knowledgeable guide by their side. The ultimate aim is not only to improve their academic performance but also to enrich their understanding and appreciation of the Classics. By fostering a nurturing environment, staff members encourage students to engage deeply with their studies and to seek out help whenever needed, thus creating a solid foundation for their future endeavours.

The Role of Lecturers

In the realm of Classics, lecturers hold a key role in the support system for students, going beyond traditional teaching methods to ensure individual progress and engagement. Their availability to students, both inside and outside of lecture times, acts as a lifeline for many embarking on the complex journey of understanding ancient cultures. Lecturers' commitment to engaging students in discussions, encouraging critical thinking, and providing personalised feedback on assignments is central to fostering a supportive learning environment.

Moreover, lecturers' nurturing attitude is particularly important in subjects like Classics, where the interpretation of texts and understanding of historical contexts can be challenging for newcomers. They are often seen as guides, helping students to navigate through the large body of knowledge and to connect with the material on a personal level. This relationship between lecturers and students is crucial, as it can greatly impact a student's confidence and motivation to pursue further study or research within the field. Through regular office hours, responsive email communication, and interactive seminar discussions, lecturers ensure that students feel supported throughout their academic process. This approach not only aids in academic achievement but also in building students' resilience and independence as scholars in the field of Classics.

Navigating Support from Administrative Staff

In the area of student support, the role played by administrative staff cannot be overstressed. They are often the first point of contact for students starting their academic process in Classics, providing a welcoming and supportive atmosphere from day one. These staff members offer outstanding pastoral care that covers a broad spectrum of student needs, ranging from registration queries to more personal issues such as mental health support. Their approach is characterised by empathy and a deep understanding of the challenges students face, making them an important pillar in the student support system. Administrative personnel are trained to listen attentively and guide students to the right services, ensuring that their well-being is looked after throughout their time at university. Beyond pastoral care, they play a crucial role in facilitating access to mental health support and wellbeing resources, demonstrating a commitment to the overall health of the student body. This commitment is especially important for Classics students who might feel overwhelmed by the large scale of literature and historical context they need to master. The administrative staff's efforts to streamline processes and provide clear guidance helps students navigate their academic and personal responsibilities effectively. Their dedication ensures that students can focus more on their studies and less on bureaucratic hurdles, thereby enhancing the overall learning experience.

Efficiency of the Personal Tutor System

The personal tutor system plays an important role in the support structure for Classics students, offering a blend of pastoral care and academic guidance that is tailored to individual needs. Each student is assigned a personal tutor who serves as a key point of contact throughout their university process. This system is designed to offer a more personal level of support, where students can discuss both academic concerns and personal issues in a quiet and confidential setting. The effectiveness of this system lies in its ability to provide targeted advice, from selecting the right modules to navigating the challenges of dissertation writing. Moreover, personal tutors can signpost students to additional support services, such as mental health counselling or career advice, ensuring that they receive comprehensive support. For Classics students, who often engage with complex texts and must grasp a large scope of historical contexts, having a personal tutor to guide them can make a significant difference in their confidence and academic performance. The system also facilitates a closer relationship between staff and students, encouraging a more engaged and responsive learning environment. However, the efficiency of the personal tutor system can vary depending on the availability and commitment of individual tutors, highlighting the need for consistent training and monitoring to ensure that all students receive the support they need.

Building Strong Staff-Student Relationships

At the heart of student success within the Classics department lies the creation of positive relationships between students and staff. These relationships are central to a supportive learning atmosphere, one where students feel valued, listened to, and motivated to excel. Staff, including lecturers and administrative personnel, play an essential role in this process by being helpful, accessible, and genuinely interested in student achievement. An open-door policy, where students can freely approach staff with their concerns, queries, or even their triumphs, fosters an environment of trust and respect. This approach is particularly important in the area of Classics, where the subjects can sometimes appear daunting due to their depth and breadth. By establishing strong connections with students, staff can encourage a sense of belonging and community, which is important for student engagement and retention. Additionally, the use of student surveys can serve as a clear means to measure satisfaction and areas for improvement, ensuring that the support system evolves in line with student needs. These surveys can highlight the effectiveness of the strategies institutions put in place to support students and foster these key relationships. Engaging students in this feedback process not only empowers them but also ensures that support mechanisms remain relevant and responsive. In essence, nurturing strong staff-student relationships is foundational to the supportive framework that encourages Classics students to thrive academically and personally.

University Attitude Towards Student Wellbeing

The overall attitude of universities towards student wellbeing is increasingly recognised as an important factor in the academic and personal development of Classics students. Universities are starting to acknowledge that the wellbeing of learners is not just supplementary but integral to their success. This evolving approach has seen student services and university management place greater emphasis on the 'human' aspect of education, viewing students as individuals with unique needs and challenges. A key facet of this is the growing availability of resources aimed at supporting mental health and emotional wellbeing. Services such as counselling, workshops on stress management, and strategies for effective study not only assist students in managing the pressures associated with their studies but also contribute to a more wholesome university experience. Additionally, the concept of student surveys has become a vital tool for institutions to gauge satisfaction levels and identify specific areas where support may be lacking. These surveys demonstrate a proactive stance by universities in seeking out feedback directly from their students, showing a commitment to continuous improvement. By fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, universities are helping Classics students to not only succeed academically but to develop resilience and wellbeing skills that will benefit them beyond their time in higher education.

Guaranteeing Equal Support for All Students

Ensuring that every Classics student, irrespective of their background, gets the help and guidance necessary for success is an important responsibility for universities. This task involves looking into the specific needs of students from disadvantaged backgrounds and developing targeted strategies to address these. Academic and pastoral support must be equally accessible to all, reinforcing the idea that every student’s educational process is of equal value. Staff play a critical role in identifying students who might be struggling silently and in offering the necessary support to help them overcome their challenges. Initiatives like study skill workshops, mentorship programmes, and financial aid are examples of how institutions are working to level the playing field. It is important that these measures are communicated effectively to ensure that students are aware of the support available to them. Accessibility to these resources is key, with flexibility in how support is offered, including online resources for those who may not be able to access in-person sessions. By fostering a culture of inclusivity and support, universities can help ensure that all Classics students, regardless of their starting point, have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. This process involves a continuous evaluation of the support systems in place and a willingness to adapt these as the needs of the student population evolve.


In exploring the myriad facets of support available to Classics students within the UK higher education sector, it's clear that important areas have been identified where improvements can significantly enhance student experiences. From the classroom to the administrative offices, the role of staff in shaping these experiences cannot be understated. Their dedication to creating an environment where learning thrives, and students feel valued and understood, lays the foundation for academic and personal success. The involvement of staff in providing tailored academic guidance, empathetic pastoral care, and promoting strong staff-student relationships is vital for fostering a supportive community for Classics students. However, the onus is not solely on the individual efforts of staff; institutional policies and attitudes toward student wellbeing and equality play a significant role in ensuring that support systems are effective and accessible to all students, irrespective of their backgrounds. To this end, continuous feedback from students through surveys offers a valuable tool for universities to assess the impact of their support strategies and to identify areas for further improvement. This feedback loop, coupled with a commitment to adapt and refine support mechanisms, promises a way forward in enhancing the educational journey for Classics students. By focusing on these key areas, institutions can work towards delivering a more inclusive, supportive, and enriching experience for every student embarking on the process of studying Classics.

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