Student Voice selected for third year running to analyse free text data from AdvanceHE surveys

By Student Voice

Glasgow, United Kingdom – Student Voice, the leading provider of text analytics to education providers in the UK, is proud to announce that it has been selected for the third consecutive year to analyse all free text data arising from AdvanceHE's 2023 PTES, PRES and UKES surveys.

The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES), the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES), and the UK Engagement Survey (UKES) are invaluable resources for higher education institutions across the UK. These surveys provide critical insights into the student experience, with a focus on elements such as teaching and learning, engagement, skills development, research engagement, and more.

The selection of Student Voice for this important work highlights the effectiveness and reliability of our cloud-based software platform in providing deep, meaningful analysis. Leveraging our advanced machine learning models, we have the ability to label thousands of student comments in seconds, offering an unparalleled understanding of student experiences.

"Our mission has always been to help higher education providers focus on improving teaching and student experience," said Dr Stuart Grey, Founder of Student Voice. "Being selected once again by AdvanceHE is a testament to the accuracy and effectiveness of our text analytics software. We're excited to continue working closely with AdvanceHE to help shape the future of UK higher education."

As we process the results of these surveys, our platform enables direct comparisons across different surveys, thereby facilitating a more holistic understanding of the issues and targeted improvements for both teaching and the student experience. Furthermore, our software's ability to analyse historical survey responses allows for trends to be compared over years.

For more information about Student Voice and our pioneering work in text analytics for the education sector, visit our website at

About AdvanceHE

Advance HE is a member-led, sector-owned charity that works with institutions and higher education across the world to improve higher education for staff, students and society.

About Student Voice:

Student Voice is the leading provider of text analytics for education providers in the UK. Our advanced machine learning models offer deep insights into student experiences, helping universities and colleges improve teaching and enhance student experiences.

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