Active Learning Strategies

By David Griffin


The benefits of studying a science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) related subject in higher education are well documented. These fields are associated with improved economic outcomes (U.S. Dept of Education, 2017a). However, great inequity exists in these subjects, with women and people of colour disproportionately underrepresented in the United States. While women receive almost 60% of bachelor’s degrees awarded in the U.S., only 34% of those in STEM subjects are awarded to women (de Brey et al., 2018). Hispanic and African American populations account for 17.9% and 13.4% of the total, respectively. However, these groups only account for 12.1% and 8.6% of STEM-related primary degrees, respectively (Baumann, 2017; U.S. Dept of Education, 2017b; U.S. Census Bureau, 2018).

Improvements in STEM subject instruction have been suggested as a means of addressing these disparities. Proposed changes to instruction are generally to increase structure (Eddy & Hogan, 2014) and active learning (Freeman, 2014). To do this, four steps are required from instructors:

  1. To determine what students should be capable of demonstrating by the end of the course,
  2. To determine which skills and learning objectives are challenging for students to master alone,
  3. To develop in-class activities which allow students to practice these challenging skills under the supervision of staff (active learning),
  4. To maximise student engagement through provision of a framework of content and accountability, before, during and after class (increased structure).

For steps (c) and (d), this paper provides a range of evidence-based techniques for potential adoption by any STEM subject instructor. A supporting study is also provided for each technique.

Increasing Active Learning

Challenge: In large lectures students can feel anonymous or bothered by a lack of connection to classmates/instructors.
Technique: Use name tents to decrease this feeling of anonymity.
Impact: By demonstrating the importance of student names, the instructor can show interest in knowing their students. Being able to use student names reduces a barrier to interaction, while enabling students to introduce themselves to their peers. Allowing students to add pronouns/phonetic spelling to their name tent encourages further inclusivity.
Supporting Paper: Cooper, 2017

Challenge: Women and people of colour are less likely to volunteer an answer in class. Unconscious implicit bias may exist in instructors in their efforts to select students to answer questions.
Technique: Create a list of student names and randomly sort it before class, reducing implicit bias. The instructor must be conscious that calling on students to answer questions can be anxiety-inducing and therefore choose appropriate questions.
Impact: This can maximise involvement and student participation.
Supporting Paper: Eddy et al., 2014

Challenge: Many instructors fail to use student response systems (‘clickers’) to maximum effect.
Technique: Use of difficult and relevant questions, particularly those marked as previous exam questions, helps increase attention in students. Discussion can be promoted by displaying the poll results to the class in advance of displaying the correct answer. Asking students privately to explain their choice can also help, as can allowing students to vote again post-discussion. Explain why answers are correct or incorrect, relating them to the class’ interest.
Impact: Learning is enhanced by peer discussion, even if participants do not initially understand the topic. Appropriate clicker usage encourages discussion and argument, while suspense promotes interest.
Supporting Paper Smith et al., 2009

Challenge: Students often fail to think through multiple-choice questions sufficiently during an exam.
Technique: Use multiple-choice exam-style questions in class for group work. The activity should match the learning goal of the lecture, be of reasonable difficulty and include common incorrect responses. The instructor should sell the task to the students by explaining the relevance of the questions. Collecting responses encourages the instructor to provide clearer instructions. It also encourages student participation. Debriefing allows the instructor to expose misconceptions and explain the logic behind answers.
Impact: This encourages engagement of students and provides them with a measure of their exam preparedness. It also encourages the instructor to write effective exam questions.
Supporting Paper: Nicol, 2007

Challenge: To increase student interaction and community.
Technique: Create a two-stage exam with students tackling an exam first individually and immediately afterwards as part of a predetermined small group. The final mark is a combination of both exam scores, with a greater proportion of the exam time and mark given to the individual stage.
Impact: The group stage of the exam motivates students to understand the topic while promoting community. Students are not tempted to reduce study time since most of the mark comes from the individual effort.
Supporting Paper: Jang et al., 2017 and Roberts et al., 2018

Increasing Structure and Accountability

Challenge: Instructors waste time teaching basic topics that students could, but often do not, learn from assigned reading before class.
Technique: Provide clear instructions on what students should learn before class, as well as questions they should answer based on this learning. Pre-class work should be straightforward and short. Use an assignment/quiz on this content to promote accountability. Do not cover this material in class.
Impact: More class time can be dedicated to difficult concepts.
Supporting Paper: Moravec et al., 2010 and Heiner et al., 2014

Challenge: Textbooks are not always an ideal source for individual pre-class student learning.
Technique: Create simple videos that focus on critical content. Use visuals with little on-screen text. Provide students with accompanying instructions on note-taking for the videos or provide guiding questions.
Impact: A video can provide a connection between student and instructor not found in a textbook. This can assist students in learning more complex topics before class. Instructions on note-taking or guiding questions help create accountability in students.
Supporting Paper: Stockwell et al., 2015

This paper has provided five in-class techniques for educators to promote active learning. It has also provided two mechanisms to increase structure by freeing up in-class time and promoting student accountability. These seven techniques are suggested to improve instruction in STEM subjects as a means to increasing enrolment and retention of students in underrepresented groups.


Q: What specific outcomes or improvements have been observed in enrolment and retention rates of underrepresented groups in STEM fields as a result of implementing these teaching techniques?

A: The impact of implementing active learning and increased structure techniques on the enrolment and retention rates of underrepresented groups in STEM fields has shown promising results in several studies. These techniques are designed to create a more engaging and supportive learning environment, which can directly contribute to a student's sense of belonging and academic confidence. When students feel their voice is heard and valued through active participation and structured support, they are more likely to persist in their studies. However, the article does not provide specific data on outcomes, it's widely acknowledged that such educational strategies can lead to higher retention rates by fostering a more inclusive atmosphere that addresses the unique challenges faced by these groups.

Q: How do these active learning and increased structure techniques compare in effectiveness to other strategies not mentioned in the paper, such as mentorship programmes, scholarships, or community building initiatives outside of the classroom?

A: Active learning and increased structure techniques are highly effective within the classroom setting for promoting engagement and understanding among all students, including those from underrepresented groups. These methods focus on making the learning process more interactive and tailored to individual needs, which can enhance the educational experience and help students feel their contributions are important. However, these instructional strategies are just one part of a broader ecosystem of support necessary for increasing diversity in STEM. Mentorship programmes, scholarships, and community building initiatives complement classroom strategies by providing additional layers of support, guidance, and financial assistance. These outside-the-classroom initiatives can address broader social and economic barriers to education for underrepresented groups, reinforcing the importance of a holistic approach to education that includes student voice both in and out of the classroom.

Q: What are the challenges or barriers instructors might face when attempting to implement these techniques, and how can they be addressed?

A: Instructors might face several challenges when attempting to implement active learning and increased structure techniques, including resistance to change from both students and colleagues, limited resources, and a lack of training on how to effectively employ these methods. Overcoming these challenges requires a multifaceted approach. First, educators can seek out professional development opportunities to enhance their understanding and skill in applying these techniques. Additionally, institutions can support these efforts by providing resources and infrastructure that facilitate innovative teaching practices. To address resistance, sharing evidence of the positive impact on student engagement and learning outcomes can help. Importantly, incorporating student voice in the process of implementing these changes can also aid in overcoming resistance, as it ensures that the approaches are aligned with student needs and preferences, thereby fostering a more inclusive and supportive learning environment.


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[14] U.S. Census Bureau, Quick Facts, 2018. Retrieved April 19, 2018.

[15] U.S. Department of Education, Digest of Education Statistics, 2017, 2017a. Table 501.10.

[16] U.S. Department of Education, Digest of Education Statistics, 2017, 2017b. Table 318.45.

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