What are students saying about their personal tutors?

Students generally feel that their tutors can be a mixed bag, with some being extremely supportive and helpful while others appear to be uninterested or unavailable. Many students appreciate the efforts of their tutors, citing instances where they have gone above and beyond to provide guidance and encouragement. However, some students express frustration at not receiving adequate support, particularly when faced with personal issues that affect their studies.

Students often comment on the variability in tutor quality, with some tutors being more approachable and understanding than others. Some report feeling let down by their tutors' lack of awareness or responsiveness to their needs, while others appreciate the regular check-ins and clear communication they receive from their tutors.

There is also a sense that some students feel forced to adjust their writing style to suit specific tutors, which can be challenging when there are changes in tutor personnel. Moreover, some students feel restricted by limited access to tutors, particularly during critical periods such as essay submissions or placement years.

Despite these mixed feelings, many students acknowledge the importance of personal tutors in their academic journey and appreciate the support they receive from them. Overall, students seem to value a more personalized and responsive approach from their tutors, which can significantly impact their academic success and overall university experience.

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