What are students saying about feedback on their work?

Students express frustration with the lack of timely feedback on their work, which hinders their ability to learn from mistakes and improve for future assessments. The delay in receiving feedback often spans several weeks or even months, rendering it ineffective in supporting their learning process.

Students are also concerned about the quality of the feedback they receive. They often find it to be generic, basic, or unhelpful, lacking the constructive advice they need to improve. They express a desire for more actionable feedback that would help them understand their strengths and weaknesses and adjust their approach accordingly.

Furthermore, some students experience inconsistencies in marking and grading, which erodes their trust in the assessment process. The lack of transparency and clear guidance on what is expected from them exacerbates this issue, leaving students uncertain about meeting the required standards.

Overall, students' comments convey a sense of disappointment and disillusionment with the feedback process. They crave more timely, constructive, and actionable feedback to enable them to learn and grow throughout their academic journey.

Subject specific insights on "feedback"