What are students saying about communication with teaching staff?

Communication with supervisors, lecturers, and tutors is often frustrating for students, who report difficulty getting timely and helpful responses to their queries. Many express disappointment at the lack of clear information and guidance from teaching staff, which can lead to confusion and stress.

Students frequently mention that emails are not responded to promptly or sometimes not at all, with some having to send multiple messages before receiving a reply. This perceived neglect makes them feel undervalued and ignored. When responses are received, they are often brief and unhelpful, leaving students feeling like their concerns have not been fully addressed.

Some teaching staff are reportedly dismissive or rude in their interactions with students, which can be intimidating and belittling. This kind of behaviour is particularly damaging when it comes from those in positions of authority, as it makes students feel like they are not being taken seriously.

On the other hand, some lecturers and tutors are praised for their prompt and helpful responses to student queries. These staff members take the time to fully address concerns, provide clear guidance, and offer support when needed. Students appreciate this engagement and feel more confident in their ability to succeed.

Students generally expect clear communication, timely responses, and a supportive attitude from the teaching staff. When these expectations are not met, it can hurt the student experience, leading to feelings of frustration, isolation, and disengagement.

Subject specific insights on "communication with supervisor, lecturer, tutor"