What are the views of sociology students?

Students studying sociology express mixed feelings about their course experience. Some appreciate the diverse range of topics covered, while others find the curriculum too Western-focused and lacking in international perspectives.

Many students struggle with the accessibility of resources, particularly regarding wellbeing support, which they often find difficult to access or unhelpful. There is a clear need for more accessible support services, and the role of support services personnel in addressing this need is crucial and highly valued.

Some students are concerned about attendance, and they feel the teaching staff does not adequately address poor attendance. Others appreciate the flexibility offered by online lectures but express frustration with the lack of clear instructions on engaging with course materials independently.

Coursework and assessments are also a source of stress for many students, who feel that deadlines are often too close together or that they are not adequately prepared for assessments due to strikes or inadequate teaching. Some appreciate receiving feedback on their work, but others report feeling frustrated by the lack of constructive feedback or guidance on improving.

Despite these challenges, some students appreciate specific aspects of their course experience, such as guest lectures, field trips, and opportunities to engage with research projects. However, many students feel that their sociology course could be improved through more accessible support services, more explicit instructions, and a more diverse curriculum.

Insights into specific areas of sociology education