What are the views of social work students?

Students feel that their voices are not being heard, and concerns raised about the course are often ignored or dismissed. There is a sense of frustration and disappointment with the handling of assessments, including changes to briefs and deadlines, which has led to stress and anxiety.

The subjective nature of marking is a significant issue, with students feeling that grades can depend on individual tutors' preferences rather than the quality of work. The lack of consistency in feedback and marking across different modules and tutors adds to this concern.

Students appreciate tutors' knowledge and expertise but feel that some are not approachable or supportive, mainly when dealing with personal issues. Providing support services is also seen as inadequate, with students feeling that they are not always available or practical.

The course structure and content are viewed as disjointed, with some modules feeling disconnected. Students struggle to see the relevance of specific topics to social work practice, making engaging with the material difficult.

Placement experiences are highly valued, but students feel they can be overly demanding, particularly in the final year, when combined with other assignments and responsibilities. The lack of control over placement locations is also a concern.

Students feel that tutors and the institution do not always consider their circumstances, such as caring responsibilities or health issues. They believe that more support should be provided to help them balance academic demands with other aspects of life.

The course's approach to social work education is seen as overly focused on procedural matters rather than providing students with a deeper understanding of the complexities and nuances of practice. Students want more opportunities for discussion, debate, and critical thinking about the broader societal issues that shape social work.

Despite these criticisms, many students appreciate the support they receive from peers and some tutors, which helps them navigate the course's challenges.

Insights into specific areas of social work education