What are the views of medical science students?

The prevailing sentiment among students is mixed emotions, with some expressing satisfaction with their course experience while others expressing disappointment and frustration. Many students appreciate the intellectual curiosity sparked by the course content, finding it interesting and engaging.

However, a significant number of students feel that the course lacks organization, with some modules being poorly structured and assessed. Staff's lack of clear communication is also a recurring concern, leading to difficulties in understanding expectations and feedback.

Students express disappointment with the limited opportunities for hands-on experience in labs, which they believe hinders their ability to develop practical skills. Some students feel the course does not provide sufficient support or guidance, particularly regarding assessments and feedback.

Some students also question the value of the degree, feeling that certain aspects of the course are not relevant to their career aspirations. Another area of concern is the lack of flexibility in module choices, with some students feeling constrained by the limited options available.

Despite these concerns, many students praise the enthusiasm and dedication of some staff members who genuinely care about their students' progress and well-being. The availability of support services during challenging periods, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, is also appreciated by students.

Overall, while students are generally satisfied, the course-specific issues highlighted above suggest that organisation, communication, and student support need improvement to enhance the overall learning experience.

Insights into specific areas of medical science education