What are the views of geography students?

Geography students tend to value field trips, residential experiences, and practical sessions as essential components of their course, often highlighting these aspects as particularly enjoyable and beneficial for learning. These hands-on opportunities allow them to apply theoretical concepts in real-world settings, deepening their understanding of the subject matter.

Most students appreciate the supportive and approachable teaching staff, who are willing to help with queries and provide guidance throughout their studies. However, some students note that not all staff members are equally responsive or enthusiastic about engaging with them.

Students often comment on the need for clearer assignment briefs and expectations and improved communication regarding changes to course materials or assessments. They also suggest that more practical sessions using different technologies would be beneficial, particularly in specific modules where IT skills are crucial.

Many students praise the diversity of topics covered within the geography programme, which caters to various interests and specialisms. However, some express concerns about limited module choices or lack of flexibility in certain areas, such as physical geography.

Students generally feel that fieldwork and residential experiences have helped them develop a stronger bond with their peers and lecturers, creating a more inclusive and supportive learning environment. Some students suggest that these opportunities could be offered earlier in the course to facilitate socialisation and networking among new students.

There are some concerns about employability skills and career guidance, with some students feeling uncertain about their future career prospects despite completing a geography degree. However, overall, many students express satisfaction with their programme choice, citing its engaging and challenging nature as critical factors contributing to their learning experience.

Insights into specific areas of geography (non-specific) education