What are the views of earth science students?

Students generally express positive and negative sentiments towards their earth sciences course. Many students appreciate the engaging and practical aspects of the course, including field trips, laboratory work, and hands-on experiences. These activities are invaluable in preparing students for future careers and helping them understand real-life applications.

However, some students feel that communication between lecturers is poor, leading to confusion about coursework expectations and marking feedback. A few students report feeling demoralised by unhelpful and unnecessarily negative feedback from some lecturing staff.

Many students are concerned about support systems within the course. While some appreciate the prompt support provided by certain staff members, others feel that support is lacking, particularly around coursework. A few students have experienced difficulties with their mental health but have found specific staff members to be supportive and understanding.

Course-specific issues include poor structuring of some modules, inadequate organisation of field trips, and a lack of clear communication about coursework expectations. Some students feel that particular lecturers need to improve their interpersonal communication skills.

Despite these challenges, many students are grateful for the opportunities provided by the course and appreciate the efforts made by lecturers to support them. The connection between course content and future careers is a significant strength of the programme.

Overall, student comments highlight the importance of effective communication, clear coursework expectations, and supportive relationships between staff and students in ensuring a positive learning experience for earth sciences students.

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