What are the views of design students?

Students in design studies courses often express mixed feelings about their educational experience. While some appreciate the creative freedom and autonomy they are given, others feel that this comes at the cost of adequate support and guidance from lecturers. Many students feel anxious about approaching lecturers for feedback or help, which can negatively impact their work.

Many students comment on the lack of hard skills taught in the course, such as software proficiency or design principles. Instead, they are expected to develop these skills independently, often at their own expense. This is particularly frustrating when other courses within the institution provide more comprehensive resources and support.

Many students value industry exposure and insight, and they appreciate the opportunities to engage with working professionals in the field. However, some feel this is insufficient to compensate for the lack of practical skills training.

Course organisation and communication are also areas of concern, with some students expressing confusion about project briefs, timetables, and room changes. The course size can make it difficult for lecturers to provide individualised attention, leading to feelings of neglect among some students.

Despite these challenges, many students appreciate the supportive staff and peer network on their course, which helps to create a collaborative and inspiring atmosphere. However, others feel this is not enough to outweigh the negative aspects of their educational experience.

Insights into specific areas of design studies education