What are the views of artificial intelligence students?

Students generally feel that their courses lack a sense of community, with many feeling isolated and disengaged from their peers. There is a widespread perception that the institution prioritises academic rigour over student well-being, leading to significant stress and anxiety among students.

Many students express frustration with their courses' pace and structure, feeling rushed through complex material without sufficient support or guidance. However, it's important to note that some students appreciate the efforts of individual lecturers, but feel that institutional policies and procedures often undermine these efforts.

The provision of feedback is a particular area of concern, with many students feeling that it is inadequate, unhelpful, or even nonexistent. Students want more constructive feedback that will enable them to improve their understanding and performance rather than being told what they have done wrong.

There are also concerns about the availability and effectiveness of support services, including mental health provision. Some students report having had negative experiences with these services, feeling they were not adequately taken seriously or supported.

Regarding specific course issues, some students feel that certain courses are poorly constructed or taught too fast. Others appreciate the efforts of individual lecturers to make their courses engaging and interactive but feel that more could be done to promote student participation and collaboration.

Students are advocating for a more student-centred approach, where institutions prioritize their well-being and success above academic rigour alone. They also seek improvements in the provision of feedback, support services, and course design and delivery.

Insights into specific areas of artificial intelligence education