What are the views of French studies students?

Students studying French Studies express various emotions, from enthusiasm and appreciation for engaging teaching staff to frustration and disappointment with organisational issues. Many students praise their teachers' expertise, passion, and willingness to help, citing instances where staff have gone above and beyond to support them.

However, some students experience difficulties with communication, particularly regarding assessments and deadlines. They report a lack of clarity around expectations, resulting in undue stress and pressure. A few students also mention the inconsistent quality of teaching, with some lecturers being unprepared or disengaged.

Course organisation is another concern, with students feeling overwhelmed by heavy workloads and clashing deadlines. The handling of Year Abroad experiences is particularly problematic, with students expressing dissatisfaction with the level of support provided before, during, and after their time abroad.

Despite these issues, many students appreciate the course's opportunities for language development, cultural immersion, and personal growth. They value the sense of community among lecturers and students and the availability of resources and extracurricular activities that enhance their learning experience.

Many students also highlight the importance of well-being support, particularly during challenging periods such as final-year exams or time spent abroad. Some students express gratitude for the help they have received from support staff, while others feel that more could be done to address the needs of students with disabilities or mental health concerns.

Overall, students' experiences in the French Studies course are marked by both positive and negative aspects. While many appreciate the expertise and dedication of their teaching staff, organisational issues and inconsistent teaching quality can detract from their learning experience.

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