Business studies students assess their course management

By Student Voice
organisation, management of coursebusiness studies

Course Organisation and Communication

An important aspect of our exploration focuses on how business studies students perceive organisation and communication within their course. Effective communication and well-structured course management are acknowledged as integral to the success of students. For staff, recognising the importance of transparent, timely and consistent communication can transform the educational experience. Crucial elements include clear guidance on coursework requirements, accessible information about scheduling, and responsive communication channels. Additionally, the management of deadlines ensures that students can plan their work effectively, reducing unnecessary stress and promoting a more efficient learning process. The integration of digital tools has changed methods of course delivery and communication dramatically, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, pushing institutions to adapt quickly. Equally important is the manner in which cultural diversity is integrated into group work and workshops, fostering an inclusive learning environment that mirrors the global nature of business today. Engaging students through regular updates and ensuring that the information is relatable across different cultural contexts serve to enhance understanding and cooperation among diverse student bodies. As we continue to look into students’ thoughts and experiences, the feedback gathered will guide us in refining these processes further.

Course Content and Curriculum

When it comes to the arrangement and oversight of curriculum within business studies, the opinions of the students are invaluable. This segment of our blog post explores how business studies students view the relevance and applicability of their course material which encompasses areas like business management and international business, as well as key sustainability issues. A particularly important focus is on the practical elements of the curriculum such as business simulations and case studies, which aim to bridge theoretical knowledge with real-world applications. Additionally, recognising language challenges and integrating international perspectives remain key to providing a rich learning environment. Staff are tasked with ensuring that these educational components not only meet academic standards but are also delivered in a manner that is accessible and engaging. The organisation of these topics within the curriculum must be logical and progressive, facilitating a smooth educational process that builds on student knowledge and skills systematically. Ensuring that the course material is current and comprehensive helps maintain student interest and motivation while equipping them with the practical skills necessary for the global business environment.

Learning Experience and Environment

Engaging business studies students in a productive and supportive learning environment is key for their academic success. When looking at how courses are organised and managed, staff must consider not just the physical spaces but also the virtual classrooms that have become increasingly central to student learning. The use of technology in teaching is particularly important, as it can significantly enhance interaction during online lessons and provide tools that support a diverse range of student needs. For instance, interactive webinars and live Q&A sessions can invigorate an online class, making it more interactive and less isolating. Moreover, tackling stress management and mental well-being as integral parts of the curriculum can greatly influence student motivation and performance. By integrating wellness resources and stress relief workshops directly into course structures, institutions can foster a more nurturing and focused academic environment. This approach not only supports students' mental health but also aligns with their expectations of a holistic education. Staff play a significant role here; their ability to engage students and adapt to various instructional methods could make the difference in delivering a robust and effective educational experience. As we gather feedback from students on these aspects, it continues to shape our understanding and improvement of the educational process.

University Services and Facilities

A key area for any business studies student is the range and quality of university services and facilities available. Students often look at how these services support both their academic and future business career needs. Services such as career advice, extracurricular clubs, and workshops on digital skills are not just additional benefits but essential components that align with the practical demands of business education. The management of these resources is important in ensuring that students find them accessible and relevant to their needs. Staff are responsible for the organisation and offering of these services. They must ensure that all students, regardless of their background, can access these facilities easily, which includes providing flexible hours and online access where applicable. Workshops designed to enhance digital proficiency, for instance, should cater to varying levels of prior knowledge, ensuring that every student can benefit and improve their skills efficiently. Engaging with students to continuously review and improve these services can lead to better satisfaction and preparedness for their professional lives. Regular surveys and feedback gatherings allow staff to adjust services to better meet the evolving needs of students, thereby ensuring that the facilities genuinely support the learning process and future career preparations.

Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment and evaluation strategies are key in determining how business studies students perceive the fairness and effectiveness of their courses. Transparent feedback mechanisms are integral, allowing students to understand their progress and identify areas for improvement. Grading should be perceived as fair, reflecting true performance and ensuring that all work is assessed on equal footing. The management of deadlines and extensions is also a central concern, particularly in accommodating diverse student needs without compromising the integrity of the evaluation process. Intellectual honesty, including policies on plagiarism, is central to maintaining academic standards. Staff need to communicate these policies clearly and consistently while providing support for students in upholding them. Engaging with students to gather their perspectives on these assessment strategies can provide indispensable insights for refining educational approaches, ensuring that evaluations not only measure but also enhance student learning. By modifying these assessment practices based on student feedback, institutions can create a more supportive and just educational environment.

Student Support and Resources

Support systems for business studies students are integral to their academic and personal development. It is critical to assess how these resources cater to students starting their academic process, especially those from international backgrounds or with disabilities. Specifically, resources such as academic writing support, counselling services, and financial aid must be well organised and managed efficiently by staff. Gaps in these supports can severely impact a student's ability to flourish in their studies. For instance, adequate academic support not only helps in understanding complex concepts but also in developing essential skills needed in the business world. Similarly, counselling services play a key role in maintaining students’ mental health, especially under the pressures of university life. Efforts to ensure these services are accessible and responsive can significantly enhance student experiences. Additionally, scholarships and financial aid programs must be transparent and communicated effectively, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to secure necessary funding. By continuously looking into the effectiveness of these supports and making necessary adjustments, universities can create a more inclusive and supportive educational environment for all business studies students.


To sum up, our examination of student feedback has provided invaluable insights into the organisation and management of business studies courses. This feedback emphasises the importance of clear communication, well-structured support services, and a curriculum that is both engaging and practical. Institutions and staff must ensure these elements are effectively tailored to meet the diverse needs of students. Notably, incorporating the student voice into continuous improvements is central to refining these educational processes. Actions such as enhancing digital learning tools, ensuring curriculum relevance, and expanding access to support services must be prioritised to foster a conducive learning environment. As educational professionals, it is our responsibility to adapt and refine strategies that support student learning and well-being comprehensively. By actively responding to student input and adjusting our approaches, we reinforce our commitment to providing a high-quality education that not only meets but exceeds the needs and expectations of our business studies students.

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