Text Analysis for Higher Education

Automated, consistent, accurate and relevant analysis of student comments including sector benchmarking with demographic and historical analysis.

Trusted by sector bodies and leading universities

University of Edinburgh Jisc University of Exeter AdvanceHE University College London (UCL)

“With written comments from tens of thousands of students across over 100 institutions we needed to find a way of exploring this data. Working with Student Voice we were able to discuss reports customised to our needs, producing results that our partner institutions have found useful. It makes a real difference working with a company coming from the HE sector, as they can talk and collaborate in a way that we value and that our clients are familiar with.”

Jason Leman
Surveys Executive - AdvanceHE

Learn from your students

Analyse every student comment, from all of your surveys

Student Voice is a cloud-based software platform that automatically classifies and analyses student comments, allowing you to focus on improving teaching and the student experience.

Student Voice's machine learning (ML) models label thousands of comments in seconds. Get in depth analysis of what your students are saying about their experiences, instantly.
By applying our models across text from all of your surveys, you can make direct comparisons between your NSS, module evaluation, pulse and student experience surveys
Student Voice's models are trained using hundreds of thousands of hand labelled student comments and rigorously cross-validated, offering unparalleled accuracy.
Sector Benchmarking
With models trained on data from over 100 UK higher education institutions, Student Voice gives you the unique ability to compare both label frequency and sentiment across the sector.
Demographic Analysis
Our software allows you to understand how student views differ by course, age, gender, nationality and custom groupings such as campus location.
Historical Analysis
Student Voice allows you to analyse all of your historical survey responses from both live and legacy systems. Compare trends going back years immediately.

Ready to find out more?

Get in touch to find out more, request a demo or to join our growing community of institutions and sector bodies.

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