Student Voice

Business and management students' experiences of covid-19

COVID-19 business and management (non-specific)

By Student Voice


The recent global health crisis has significantly changed the educational landscape for students in the UK, particularly those studying business and management. This opening section offers an insight into how these students have had to adapt to a mix of challenges and opportunities in their academic and professional pursuits. The swift shift from traditional classroom settings to online learning platforms has posed both hurdles and unique learning avenues. Engaging with the 'student voice' through text analysis and surveys has become more important than ever. This feedback process is proving key in understanding and enhancing the students' academic journey. Academic staff have had to innovate and reassess their approaches rapidly to ensure that the transition impacts students minimally while also preparing them effectively for the complexities of the business world. As we look into these experiences, we aim to uncover the strategies that institutions have employed to navigate this new teaching environment, ensuring that learning remains robust and interactive.

Impact on Learning

The shift to online learning platforms has been a significant change for students, affecting how they engage with and absorb curriculum materials. For many, it has been a disorienting adjustment from the interactive, seminar-based classes that are typical in business and management courses to more isolated, self-directed study setups. Recognising these shifts, academic staff in higher education are re-imagining course delivery to preserve interaction and engagement. This process includes the integration of virtual real-time discussions and collaboration projects meant to simulate the dynamic learning environment students are accustomed to. Another important aspect has been the focus on making resources more accessible online, ensuring that students can receive the same breadth and depth of information they would have in a physical classroom. As educational institutions continue to hone their digital offerings, the key is the clear and timely communication, maintaining a steady flow of information and support to students. Each step in this nuanced transition is vital for adapting courses to not only cater to emergency needs but to potentially set a new standard in educational delivery.

Support and Communication

Amid the shift toward digital learning, the need for efficient support systems and powerful communication has proven more important than ever. Universities have enhanced their communication strategies to ensure that every student feels interconnected despite physical distances. This involves clear email updates, virtual office hours, and access to online support hubs that provide assistance across all aspects of university life—from academic help to mental health resources. Especially important is the role of communication in detecting and addressing students’ concerns in a timely manner. Text analysis of student feedback is utilised to swiftly identify common issues and trends, which enables institutions to react quickly and effectively. For business and management students, who often benefit from the continuous interaction and networking integral to their studies, these strengthened channels of communication mitigate the disruption caused by not being in a physical classroom. Initiatives like virtual mentorship programs and online social communities have also been introduced, aiming to preserve the networking aspect that is vital to their future careers. Thus, consistent and adaptive communication is key to not just survive but excel through challenging times, supporting students’ educational and professional process.

Teaching Quality

With the move to virtual classrooms, staff and institutions had to focus intently on preserving the high standards of teaching students expect in business and management courses. An important concern has been how this shift affected the way students perceive the quality of instruction. Within this new digital setting, staff have looked into various strategies to keep teaching engaging and effective. It has been important to maintain real-time interaction, helping students to feel connected despite the physical distance. For instance, using live webinars and interactive sessions rather than just recorded lectures has helped emulate a more traditional classroom feel. Feedback from students suggests that these live interactive sessions are key in keeping them engaged and active in their learning process. Equally important has been the staff's ability to adapt their teaching methods in response to ongoing feedback—a process which ensures that the quality of teaching meets students’ needs effectively. A particularly challenging yet key aspect has been maintaining a standard of fairness and consistency in assessments, crucial to students' academic success and future career paths. This digital shift, though initially challenging, offers an opportunity to look into new teaching methods that could refine the educational process.

Group Work and Collaboration

In the context of COVID-19, the approach to group work and collaboration in business and management studies has undergone significant adaptations. Traditionally, these are areas where face-to-face interaction plays a key role in fostering effective teamwork and problem-solving skills. However, the necessity for social distancing has pushed academic institutions to rethink these interactions within an online framework. Institutions have utilised a range of digital tools to facilitate group projects and discussions. These tools include virtual breakout rooms on platforms like Zoom and collaborative workspaces such as Google Drive and Microsoft Teams. These technologies have allowed students to continue collaborating in real time, albeit from their own homes. The transition has not been without challenges. Some students have faced technical issues or struggled with the lack of physical presence which can often make communication more fluid. Staff have played an important role by offering additional training sessions on how to use these digital tools effectively and by providing continuous support. This situation has encouraged both students and staff to develop new strategies and enhance their digital fluency, which could be beneficial for their future professional roles where remote teamwork is becoming more common.

Perceptions of Value for Money

During the COVID-19 disruption, concerns about whether tuition fees match the learning experience provided have been more visible. Business and management students, in particular, reckon closely with the costs and benefits of their education. With the pivot to online learning, access to physical resources like libraries and face-to-face interaction has been limited, bringing up questions about the fairness of fees. To address these concerns, institutions have been prompted to enhance their digital libraries and online resource accessibility, ensuring that students still receive comprehensive access to learning materials necessary for their courses. Additionally, student surveys have played an important role in gauging these concerns, providing key insights into areas that require improvement to uphold the perceived value for their financial investment. Feedback through these surveys has led to targeted adjustments in course delivery and resource provision, aligning more closely with students' expectations. This engagement is not only vital for maintaining trust between the students and institutions but also for refining the educational offerings in a manner that is perceived as fair and beneficial under the constraints of remote learning setups.

Highlighting Positive Experiences

Highlighting Positive Experiences: In the midst of considerable upheaval in the educational sector due to COVID-19, several positive experiences have emerged, particularly for business and management students. Through adaptation and innovation, universities have managed to turn challenges into opportunities for enhancement. Student feedback reveals that virtual learning has facilitated a greater level of flexibility in managing personal and academic commitments. This shift has been instrumental in enabling students to tailor their educational paths more effectively to suit their individual schedules and student needs. For some, the ability to replay lectures and access a wide range of online resources at any time has proven to be a significant improvement. Additionally, the increased use of digital tools has equipped students with essential skills that are increasingly relevant in today's digital workplace. Crucially, the transition has fostered a sense of resilience and adaptability among students, qualities highly valued in the business world. While these times have been challenging, the experiences gathered could serve to enrich the learning process and better prepare students for their future careers, highlighting the enduring spirit and adaptability of both students and educational institutions.

Conclusion and Reflections

As we reflect upon the experiences of business and management students during the recent disruptions spurred by COVID-19, it is apparent that both challenges and learning opportunities have been significant. The quick adaptation to online learning, though initially daunting, has reshaped the educational approach, opening avenues for potentially more flexible and innovative teaching methods in the future. Key among the reflections shared by institutions and staff is the heightened recognition of the importance of student voice. This feedback has been indispensable in guiding changes and enhancements to the learning process.

Looking ahead, it remains important for all stakeholders to work collaboratively to refine these emergent teaching strategies. Keeping students' needs at the forefront, institutions must ensure that technologies and communication pathways developed during this period continue to evolve to support not just academic success, but also the professional growth of students. This ongoing evolution will undoubtedly require a commitment to listening actively to students and integrating their insights into the shaping of their educational experiences. Thus, in navigating forward, maintaining an open dialogue with students and embracing adaptability will be key strategies as the landscape of education continues to be shaped by both challenges and innovations.

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