Combining podcast-based learning with exercise

By David Griffin

Effectively engaging students with the course material can be a challenge for educators. This challenge is made more daunting by the gravity of the role played by engagement; it is a major factor in student motivation, knowledge retention and overall academic success. As such, in recent years a lot of work has looked at alternative methods to increase student engagement.

The popularity of podcasts continues to increase, with seemingly every interest, hobby and facet of life now discussed and explored on this convenient format. This increase has been facilitated by the ease with which podcasts can be created, the ubiquity of cheap and free hosting platforms, and easy access to recording technology via home computers and smartphones. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the educational benefits of podcasts are now being explored. For students, they have been shown to promote critical thinking around topics and improve material comprehension (Prakash et al., 2017; Hargett, 2018).

The general benefits of physical activity are widely appreciated. Exercise can positively affect our mood, reduce negative feelings of anxiety and generally improve our feelings of wellbeing. What is sometimes underappreciated, however, is the effect physical activity can have on cognition. By increasing cerebral blood flow, exercise can positively affect cognitive function necessary for effective learning and information processing. It is for this reason that short exercise breaks within a longer study period are often recommended to optimise learning.

Due to the popularity of podcasts and the known benefits of physical exercise, two US-based academics have written an article promoting their combination for university teaching. In their study, Biber and Heidorn (2021) incorporated podcast-based lectures with walking or similar cardiovascular gym exercises. This was done in the undergraduate curriculum at the University of West Georgia’s Department of Sport Management, Wellness, and Physical Education.

For classes during several consecutive semesters, students were asked to scan a QR code on their smartphone, which directed them to a 15-20 minute podcast. They then undertook their chosen cardiovascular exercise for the duration of the podcast before returning to the classroom to discuss its content.

Students were subsequently asked to provide anonymous feedback on the ‘podcast-based walking program’.

This can be summarised as follows:

  • All students expressed their enjoyment of the podcast-based walking lectures and their desire for this lecture format to be continued.
  • Students perceived their ability to learn, retain information and maintain focus improved through this form of teaching over the traditional lecture format.
  • Students felt they were less likely to be distracted by technology while walking than while sedentary in the lecture theatre.
  • Encouragingly, students reported an increase in their enjoyment of the physical activity itself through its combination with podcast-based lectures.
  • The authors reported continued requests from students for the podcast-based walking lectures to replace or be added to their traditional lectures.

The authors acknowledge that this study is only a starting point and that randomised control trials are required to compare outcomes from this format with those of traditional lectures. However, based on the perceptions of the students alone, this format demonstrates great promise. Aside from the perceived educational benefits, it encourages physical activity in students who may otherwise avoid exercise. By allowing a range of different types of exercise, it enables students with a broad range of physical capabilities to participate. A sense of community is also encouraged through the post-podcast classroom discussion.

The authors stress that this form of blended learning could be further modified by individual educators. For example, students could be asked to walk, listen and discuss the content in pairs before returning to the classroom. Educators have a responsibility to support their students’ pursuit of academic success. However, perhaps equally important is their role in supporting their students’ wellbeing. Both may be supported by this form of blended learning presented by Biber and Heidorn (2021), helping educators mould their students into well-rounded, capable professionals.


Q: How do students' preferences vary between different subjects when using the podcast-based walking programme?
A: Students' preferences for the podcast-based walking programme might vary significantly across different subjects due to the varying nature of course content and the methods of engagement that different subjects demand. For instance, subjects that require more visual learning aids, such as mathematics or sciences, where diagrams and equations are essential, might not be as effectively taught through podcasts as subjects like history or literature, which can be more narrative in nature. The concept of student voice is crucial here, as understanding and incorporating students' feedback on the effectiveness and preferences for this teaching method across various disciplines can help tailor the approach to better meet their learning needs and styles.

Q: What specific aspects of the podcasts do students find most engaging or beneficial for their learning?
A: The aspects of podcasts that students find most engaging or beneficial could include the storytelling approach, the clarity and enthusiasm of the speaker, the integration of real-world examples, and the use of sound effects or music to enhance the learning experience. Text analysis of student feedback on these aspects can provide valuable insights into how to craft more effective educational podcasts. For example, analysis could reveal that students appreciate when complex concepts are broken down into relatable stories or when there is a dynamic between multiple speakers, making the content more engaging and easier to understand. Incorporating student voice in this way ensures that the podcasts are not only informative but also tailored to what students find most conducive to their learning.

Q: How does this teaching method affect students with different student needs or disabilities?
A: The podcast-based walking programme might present challenges for students with certain student needs or disabilities. For instance, students who are visual learners might find it difficult to grasp concepts without visual aids, and those with physical disabilities might not be able to participate in the walking aspect of the programme. Additionally, students with auditory processing disorders could find it challenging to learn solely through auditory means. Incorporating student voice through feedback mechanisms can help educators understand these challenges and adapt the programme accordingly. This might include providing transcripts of the podcasts for visual learners or those with hearing impairments, offering alternative forms of physical activity for students with mobility issues, or even adapting the content to be more inclusive of different student needs. Through such adaptations, educators can ensure that the programme is accessible and beneficial to all students, regardless of their learning style or physical capabilities.


Biber, D.D. and Heidorn, J. 2021. Tailoring the Walking Classroom to Promote College Student Engagement. College Teaching 69 (3):169-172
DOI: 10.1080/87567555.2020.1833177

Hargett, J. L. 2018. Podcasting in Nursing Education: Using Commercially Prepared Podcasts to Spark Learning. Teaching and Learning in Nursing 13 (1):55–7.
DOI: 10.1016/j.teln.2017.08.003

Prakash, S. S., N. Muthuraman, and R. Anand. 2017. Short-Duration Podcasts as a Supplementary Learning Tool: Perceptions of Medical Students and Impact on Assessment Performance. BMC Medical Education 17 (1):167.
DOI: 10.1186%2Fs12909-017-1001-5

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